Find A Home

Find A Home

The Heartland Project is volunteer run and led by a team of LGBTIQA+ people who have sought asylum in Australia. We have created this website because we don’t want you to struggle like we did when trying to find a home.
By registering with us, you will receive a link/login to view potential homes to share, offered by LGBTIQA+ people in Sydney. If you see a room you love, you can contact the host by clicking ‘connect’. Make sure you include your phone number or email address. You can contact us on 0449 971 379 or email us at, if you need any help.
Be assured that your confidentiality is important to us. We will never share your contact details with anyone without your permission. It is your choice if you want to share your details with any hosts or flatmates.
Our dream is for all people seeking asylum to find a home where they are safe, respected and belong. But, we are a new project and have only just begun. If you cannot find a home you like right away, do keep checking in with us as we grow. It's important to know that we don’t assess hosts or flatmates. This website just connects people. This means you have to make sure that you feel safe and comfortable, and that any arrangement is right for you. You can contact our team at any time on 0449 971 379 or at if you need help.

Register to Find a Home

All people have sexualities, genders, bodies, relationships and feelings. The term LGBTIQA+ is one way of thinking about diversity. The letters stand for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer and Asexual. If you relate to any of these words, or if you have other ways of thinking about yourself, the Heartland Project is for you.